Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Now after seeing a few more Kubrick films I finally have more of an understanding of his classic style and what make a Kubrick film a real “Kubrick film”. This movie “Eyes Wide Shut” had some main elements that you would expect from Kubrick such as the psychological states of characters, sex, soundtrack and all the shots. Out of the three films we have seen so far this ones plot doesn’t necessarily revolve around the psychological issues like the other two even though they have a strong presence in the flow of the story. As the plot unfolds we find more out about different problems occurring in Alice and Bills relationship including detailed dreams/ fantasies, real occurrences, and just the challenges of marriage. Also to no ones surprise sex plays a huge role in this story, in fact it keeps the movie moving and is responsible for getting the characters (for the most part Bill) in bad situations that lead to the next issue drawing more and more characters in. The lat two elements that come across in this film that are undeniably a trait of Kubrick are the soundtrack and the different shots used, In my opinion these two things go hand in hand to make the unique suspense Stanley Kubrick is known for. While the interesting Music or sounds used always draw you in and the shots just add to that and make it impossible for you to take your eyes off the screen. One thing that really gets me about all theses films is how through out the whole thing you as the viewer are gathering information about these characters and getting inside their head and in all three there is always a huge, sometimes unpredictable but creative non the less ending tying everything together. In the end this films offers a deeper but not always bright look into peoples personal lives while using a variety of techniques that can be seen in other Kubrick films.


Hil said...

I can also say that I can identify his style now after viewing three films, with the distant far shots he uses, the interesting music choices to emphasize moods, and the slow pace altogether. He also manages to create that abstract surreal world feeling again, which I especially felt as Bill entered the bizarre party.
There were also the elements of the couple's psychological issues dealing with marriage. That Alice is unhappy, and they pick fights, diving into the issues of jealousy, trust and gender roles.
For me the plot was really scattered. I felt like there was so much excess information that I had to focus on the major things in my head to keep getting at the meaning.
But I also can say that I don't think I'm a general fan of his work--just because it's too slow for me and the content just isn't appealing to me.
Maybe I'm just a little tired of seeing women as naked hookers only...

The end did tie it together, but I wish there was more tying together throughout. I actually really liked the ending with Alice saying that they should be "grateful" for surviving their dreams of just one night. And that now they are awake and won't dream again. But then ofcourse the last word of this movie is fuck.

Matthew said...

Of all the Kubrick movies we've watched so far, i think this one is my least favorite. But as it's been said 2 times before i can finally see what a Kubrick movie is! I see a loose pattern, in Kubrick's films, of gender tension issues. At least from the three we've watched so far every one has had some form of spouse or sex issues. Or as hillary said "I'm just a little tired of seeing women as naked hookers only..." Sex is for sure put in the forefront of all Kubrick's films. Let me know if anyone agrees with me!

kelly H said...

I would have to agree with both Matt and Hilary. I found all the movies to be a little hard to relate to and sometimes it was hard to get past some of the weirdness of the scenes. One one thing that I can say Kubrick does a great job of is showing his style in his films, there where so many similarities even though the films where all about different things. Overall i don't think i will be seeing to many Kubrick films after this. I Agree with Hilary about how there where to many details in this movie and it was so dragged out 2 hours and 45 minutes...really?

Hil said...

I know! the length was a bit tiresome. I can see that his style means to be slow and realistic, but it just got a little boring for me.

And I think it is that Kubrick just might be a pervert...just saying.

So he wants to make the point that Bill is struggling through loving his unfaithful wife, by having him encounter a series of sex related events. But does he really need to top it off with that party and rape and drugs, etc. Just weird.
And really there isn't anything positive said about women in these movies--so its frustrating to keep watching.

Matthew said...

I agree kelly, as much as i believe that Kubrick's style is supposed to come off as slow and thus in real time, i feel that this movie could have been a lot quicker.
Kubrick definitely seems to be constantly aiming at the fidelity of marriage and this movie is no different. I can't seem to get away from talking about relationships and sexual tensions in each post.
Kubrick also has a fantastic ability to make his movies seem so unreal and almost dream like even when they tackle the most common of issues. That's the thing i like and hate about Kubrick the most. He can make anything seem abstract and bizarre.