Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Although the Cohen brothers have many elements to their films that make them smart, witty and overall entertaining the one thing I could get over was how much the location of the character had to do with the film. In the first movie we saw Raising Arizona the use of jokes or the traits of the characters was funny but as I saw more Cohen films the characters were still funny but at the same time I wanted to see something new or I wanted the humor to be different not just based on realistic character in an unrealistic situation. Although I will say I did not have this same opinion until I saw Fargo which may have hit me in a more personal way seeing how they were portraying somewhere so close to my home and places where my family are from. I think one part of me wanted different humor but at the same time I took the attitude of its all fun and games until you get made fun off.
While the humor of the films came largely from the stereotypical person from the different areas of each film there were some other aspects of the films that I didn’t love like the ending of the films. I didn’t like how things were so unrealistic and just sort off ended, in a way it seemed like they had this well thought out interesting movies but didn’t put as much effort into the endings. The endings weren’t terrible I just want the films to be witty in its entirety and I didn’t feel like all three films accomplished that.
In the end I do have a few things I like to criticize but overall I enjoyed the films for the most part. I don’t think I will be making it a priority to see more Cohen brother films but I am not against them and they have a lot of good qualities. Also I have to say I would have maybe not had the complaints about the location and endings had I not seen all three in a row, it just made little things more reoccurring and stand out. Overall the unit was enjoyable and I think the Cohen brothers do good work.

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